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Serving the Consortium Cooperatives Organization of the United Nations, Synergence Ventures Corporation is a direct seller/provider of Global Foods, maintaining 100% non-intermediary connections to over 30,000 food cooperatives globally.  We have the import/export permissions required, free trade zone access in 183 countries, and the ability to provide 12 months access to virtually all food needs of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN. This recent update article shows clearly that while the issues of food availability may still be relatively normalized in many developed countries, the developing world is on the razor’s edge of collapse for the most needy.

If you require food for your country or your people, please consider our firm as a Non-Governmental Organization to perform the necessary operations.  It is not in the food that you order that the need of the people is fulfilled, but in the deliverance of this order to the docks of your country, and performing the legal and banking fulfillment of the operation, within Basel V Treaty requirements, that the people can actually eat.

Synergence provides virtually all food needs, including Corn, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Fruits, Vegetables, Meat, Poultry, Fish, Oils, Nuts, Canned Foods, Powdered Milk and all of the rest. We exist to serve the needs of the people, in any country of the world, and we are instantly capable of fulfilling your requirement.  For further research into the current state of food availability during the Corona-19 Virus, you may find the following article by FAO a worthy read.

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Post Author: Marc Guest

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