Synergence Ventures Corporation is more than the sum of it’s parts. With that said, our primary function is service, to our clients, our fellow corporations, and the country partners who engage our interest and request us to perform different functions. We are tasked with the transport and fulfillment of physical commodities, selling ICUMSA Sugar from our cooperative growers in Brazil and Argentina to a client in Egypt, Wheat to a Bakery company in Morocco, or Olive Oil from Spain to Brazil in the cold season. Sometimes we act on behalf of a partner to investigate, contract, and install a new Railway system, or increase power supply and efficiency to a country using traditional, wind, solar, geothermal, or other sources of energy.
We have also had a project recently approved, and launched a River Usage Transportation Project in Argentina spanning over 1000 miles of inter-connecting river systems. (Barge Transportation)

To provide an admittedly incomplete picture as quickly as possible, outside of our work in the commodities sector, Synergence Ventures Corporation works on major development projects for the countries we serve. As an example, Synergence is currently contracted to manage, organize and implement the following programs in the country of Argentina.
We also promote other direct, and more humanitarian projects, or projects that work to advance the human spirit, through United Nation’s assistance, approval, and on qualifying projects, through the gauntlet of International Monetary Fund or World Bank capitalization. We will be providing detailed information on these types of projects on our blog, and in writing as we have the opportunity!
To confirm our structure within the United Nations, we are considered an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) Corporate Member, and can be found under the Department of Economic and Social Affairs section of the U.N. We will complete our ECOSOC Consultative Status application shortly, and our Accreditations and Affiliations will be added to our profile. Our Incorporation Documents in Delaware can be viewed by clicking Certificate Of Incorporation, and our Internal Revenue Certification for Tax Status can be reviewed by clicking Synergence Ventures EIN.
Synergence is a corporate member of the U.N., without any country specific affiliation, thus we act, and intend to act, at the request of the United Nations. To provide one example, in the area of Feeding the Refugees, the U.N. and NGO partners recently sought funding of $4.63 Billion dollars, to help feed and care for 4.7 million Syrian Refugees, and their host countries. Few people are aware of the awesome scope of the refugee food program, where almost $300 billion dollars of food is delivered annually to people of need all around the planet.
As Synergence coordinates the shipments of over 1700 South American cooperatives selling Sugar, Wheat, Barley, Corn of all varieties, Rice, Potato, Vegetables, Chicken, Beef, virtually all foodstuffs, we are hoping our wish to serve can truly be exercised in a large way. By way of our NGO directive, Synergence is empowered to make trade between all nations and peoples, not only through affiliates, trading firms, or direct to corporations that use the commodities we trade, but also directly with, and for, our Country Partners, to all parties mutual benefit. The U.N. serves the world’s needs, we are ready to assist, and they already have our commitment.
If you have questions, or desire some fresh ideas, tell us what you need. If you are in need of assistance, tell us sooner than later…as honesty truly works with us.
Come meet the rest of our team, who work tirelessly across the globe, assisting me to build our business, in service to all humanity.
Look forward to hearing big things, as we work hard to deliver!
Marc Guest/CEO
Synergence Ventures Corporation