We are proud to represent all flags of the United Nations!
Synergence Ventures Corporation, Delaware File #6294433, began operations in 2016, incorporating in Delaware on January 24, 2017. In our first year of operations, we delivered 1,800,000 Metric Tons of ICUMSA Refined Sugar to a client in Egypt, calculated at year end at approximately $684,000,000 dollars worth of delivered and fulfilled business. The financial result is thrilling if it were paid as agreed, but we are more proud that through the assistance of the IMF, and efforts of Synergence to cover their necessary payments through Microcredit loans, over 1,200 sugar workers in Brazil were able to survive that incident by growing, feeding, housing and educating their families.
Due to this early success, we have set up formal representation relationships with 1,700 cooperatives in South America, and signed trade deals with 14 countries to date. Synergence Ventures has over 70 import/export agreements with government signature.
We specialize in the physical commodity world, and have vast experience and contacts in all commodities, including the Oil and Energy business. Our Gold and Currency transactions are primarily handled by Phoenix Mining Group, and we have been endorsed as to our methods and procedures through the United States Federal Reserve Bank, our Internationally recognized refinery in Texas, and we have substantial quality in our transportation, logistics, and problem-solving ability. We have been granted operations control and responsibility for approximately $7,000,000,000 worth of infrastructure projects in Argentina, detailed elsewhere, and are working on real estate, refinery sales, and other city and country development projects spanning the globe.
Synergence Ventures and it’s sister organizations Phoenix Mining Group and Safer Minds, Inc. have each become United Nations NGO Corporate Partners this year, for different business reasons as Safer Minds is a 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Organization, who has developed a modern fundraising platform which will be of great value to the world, and Phoenix deals exclusively with Mines, Banks and Countries that wish to transact fully disclosed Gold to Currency transactions, or vice versa, since you must have both sides to complete any successful transaction. All three companies have also been admitted as corporate members of the United States Federal Reserve Bank Board of Governors, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
We are thankful for your interest in our company, and look forward to building a long and beneficial relationship with your firm, country, or continent. If you have a business project requiring a stiff backbone and a strong heart, you will find we have them both in good supply.
My sincere thanks for your consideration,
Marc Guest
Chief Executive Officer, Synergence Ventures Corporation
December 2019 Year-end Update –
Synergence Ventures Corporation, Taking Action in Argentina
Our Corporations function to serve governments at same level, but with slightly different objectives. Synergence Ventures is our trading and financial services organization, acting as trustee and fiduciary in operations, and assuming logistic, serving food shortage or distribution needs, and banking operations by it’s capacity and vast experience and relationships with factories, producers and cooperatives.
We expand this capacity as required for Country Partner’s or Industry Group’s to improve their ability to serve their citizens, or accomplish the funding of socially desirable programs.
Regarding Safer Minds, our sister NGO organization that brings financial coordination programs that assist States, Countries, and School districts with direct-gifted funds from family and community supporters, and any citizens who wish to help their children achieve higher levels of local school programs and offerings for the children.
Concerning these points, we assist in realizations of projects for:
– Schools/Students, Transport and security.
– Teachers, their transport and security.
– Third Age peoples, and their medical transportation requirements.
– Retired Peoples, and their activities.
– Participation of parents in school activities.
– Secondary impact of Central States Market, and funding the projects.
– Beca Universities, and countrywide career development programs.
The ministries involved with and in support of Safer Minds in-country activities are:
– Ministry of Education, Buenos Aires.
– Secretary of Education, Mendoza.
– Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.
– Ministry of Economy, Argentina.
– National University of Technology, San Rafael.
– Central Colleges & Universities Board of Governors.
– Ministry of Work and Human Resources.
– Ministry of Transportation, Argentina.
– Ministry of Industry, Argentina.
– There are other institutions involving.
From United Nations Head Office:
Supported Prime Operational Goals
– Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura.
– Save the Children.
– World Food Program.
– Médicos Sin Fronteras.
– Amnistía Internacional.
– Oxfam International | La fuerza de las personas contra la pobreza.
– WWF.
– World Visions.
– and other 4 organizations.
Bank of Promotions:
– World Bank.
– IMF.
– Federal Reserve Bank.