Sugar, all varieties

Synergence Ventures Corporation is an International Trade and Development Organization, incorporated in the State of Delaware, in the United States of America. Synergence is proud to have been chosen as a United Nations NGO (Non-Government Organization) Corporate Member, listed formally with their NGO Branch in Geneva, under the Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

To give you a more detail of what you will find here, Synergence Ventures has two sister firms, Phoenix Mining Group and Safer Minds, Inc., and all three firms are United Nations NGO firms.  All three are also approved as members of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States Board of Governors, as well as members in good standing with the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund.

We work in coordination with the Internal Revenue Service, and the Federal Reserve Banks of all countries, as it is necessary to insure that our Import and Export services are properly handled for Globally required disclosures and crediting. We have true export and import ability for genuine trade needs, and offer many different financial services to our international country partners.

We split the responsibilities of our Services by what we are doing, and also by the status of the endeavor.  If you seek a global partner for trade, or to fulfill an Import/Export function, Synergence Ventures Corporation is an easy and excellent choice.  This is the case for virtually all commodities, Energy or Infrastructure Projects, as well as finished goods.

When the commodity is mining, strategic metals, or of the rare earth variety, where the transfer of these materials are of financial or other importance to our world, Phoenix Mining Group handles the trade in coordination with all governmental and Basel V Treaty requirements. Phoenix Mining works closely with the Federal Reserve Bank of all countries, to insure that the balance of trade, and smooth payment for precious or other high value metals are transacted properly and with full disclosure to all nations.

We are quite proud of the scope and function of these organizations, and are glad to give you a more full picture than you might normally receive.  Should you have a need for any assistance with a problem, for your company, country, or your continent, we hope you will reach out and give us the opportunity to help.

By virtue of long history in the industry, proven success in administrating the logistics of international commodity conveyance, an experienced Board of Directors,  Synergence Ventures Corporation has been accepted as a supporting member/partner of the following organizations:

United Nations – International Monetary Fund, IMF – World Trade Organization, WTO – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development – International Bank for Reconstruction and Development – European Central Bank – European Union. – NATO / NATO – American Federal Reserve – International Labor Organization – Organization of the Oil Exporting Countries – United Nations Conference on Trade – UNICEF – Asian Development Bank – BRICS – Trade Treaty of North America – World Health Organization – United Nations Development Program – UNDP – Inter-American Development Bank – Association of Southeast Asian Nations – Others

Our corporations work directly and without hesitation with:

– Investment Funds.

– Development Projects.

– Participation to Enhance the Global Benefit.

Herrenknecht SparvoTunnel in Central Argentina

Synergence Ventures works to manage, complement, and enhance the development of various government projects, whether energy implementation and installation, cross-continental highway projects, or housing for homeless developments. We work to coordinate, manage and fulfill city, state and governmental infrastructure or national development projects as Project Advisory, Financial Management, and Oversight partner. 

Respecting the regulations of central banks, the banking commissions of all countries, the treaty of the Basel V, and the International Chamber of Commerce requirements, Synergence transacts Infrastructure development and commodity trading with a simple approved processes that requires total disclosure through the Banking System.

We coordinate projects between parties, and have had dramatic success, even with projects spanning three or more countries. Many of our deliverables have diverse requirements, requiring accurate communication, and working towards cohesive goals. Accomplishing business for a country, and doing it within time and financial requirements, is one of life’s sweetest rewards.

From doré to Bullion, with the Financial and Mining Expertise to Succeed!

All projects and trading transactions engaged in by Synergence Ventures are duly registered, approved and fully disclosed to the Central Banks of all involved countries, and we have been endorsed as to our methods of mining to currency transactions, precious metals trading, and other contracts of dramatic value through a direct working relationships within the Federal Reserve Bank, and communications options afforded as a member of their Board of Governors.

Land of Winds, Northwest Argentina

Synergence handles all of our business via direct Bank to Bank Verification of Commodities/Capital, and we give the same to our partners. Full disclosure and transparency are necessary in the real world, and hence, our transactions reach fulfillment.

For our prospective partners initial needs, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., serves as the international bank for virtually all of our financial activities.